Thursday 20 October 2011

Week 6: Sketches for Final Animation and Research into Final Product

I have changed my final idea slightly, I have looked into the techniques which I was going to use, one of these was the film countdown effect. Although, from the skills I have learnt I found that this cannot be achieved easily within Adobe Flash. Therefore I created a new idea of a film strip moving along as though it is playing the film. I have kept with the old fashioned ‘jumpy’ screen effect but incorporated the film strip. My final idea reflects the theme of the music chart countdown which is an interest of the audience. With the old fashioned radio broadcast narration it will create the effect of the music countdown, but showing the history of animation.
Research into Final Product
I have completed my research into the existing 2D animations. I have analysed three existing animations which use different techniques to appeal to the target audience. The aspects which I analysed include: characters, colours, typography, narrative, techniques (e.g. cel animation) and pace of the animation. One of the animations I analysed was the 'Child Road Safety- King of the Road'. This animation is aimed at children aged 5-11 years, because of the message within the animation and the characters included. This included the characters of hedgehogs talking about the importance of road safety. Some techniques used within this animation include: catchy song, characters, bold text and a clear narrative.
Child Road Safety Advert

By analysing these animations I understand what elements are used within 2D animations which make it appeal to the audience. Within this document I have also explained what techniques I will be using within my animation. I have explained how the existing animations relate to my animation in terms of techniques, colours and effects used. I did find a problem that I could not find an animation which was similar to my final idea, but I have highlighted all of the techniques from these different animations which I will be applying within my own animation.
In terms of the final product I have also researched the different aspects surrounding the production. These include: Target audience profile, resources and budget, legal and ethical (content included) and techniques used within 2D animation. These are the aspects I would need to consider if I was making this animation professionally. Therefore I needed to carry out this research to show I have consider these points.  
Sketches and Storyboard completed
I have completed nearly completed my detailed storyboard presenting my final idea. I have included the movement, technique applied and sound. The one aspect which I need to add to my storyboard is the duration (frames per second) for each shot on the storyboard. I have researched into frame rates and fps, but I need to apply this knowledge to my storyboard in order to start creating my animation. I have also created some sketches of the layout of the different screens within my animation. The reason why I created these sketches is to show visually how I want to animation to look. This included the layout of the countdown screen and the layout of the screens with the animation device history. These sketches support my detailed storyboard and help me to visualise my final animation.
Countdown Image

Throughout today's lessons I have completed the tasks which I intended to complete. These are the research and storyboard. Although, I did document that I would begin to create my animation in Adobe Flash, but I did not start this today. Therefore I will begin this in my own time throughout the half term for me to be on schedule. I also need to create the background image and other images within the animation within Photoshop, as I need to add different effects to these images.

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