Thursday 23 February 2012

Week 23: Production Documents: Proposal and Website Sketches

This week I aimed to carry on with the production documents such as proposal, sketches, mood boards and wireframes.
Throughout carrying out these tasks this week I have decided on my final theme for my website. The theme I have chosen is based on fashion and art deco. The fashion element reflects part of my personality, as fashion is a strong interest of mine. In terms of the art deco element, I thought this is a creative design element which I could incorporate into my website. This theme has been represented within the mood boards I have started to create. I have also created a logo for my website, this can be seen below.
Portfolio Website Logo

When carrying out the rest of the planned tasks such as the proposal, sketches and wireframes I felt confident because I had a clear vision of how I plan to design the website. This also includes the animations planned for my website. All of these tasks were related to each other; therefore I found it easy to complete these tasks as I knew exactly what I wanted to create. The proposal was the main task to complete this week. It involved me researching into the different aspects related to website design. The main factors were: budget, legal & ethical, colour palette, typography and similar/ existing products. I felt confident when researching these elements because I have carried out proposal research in previous projects. I also continued with the sketches and wireframes for my website this week. I followed some guidance documents on Chichester Online to complete these; they show the layout of my website pages individually. This week I was also given some feedback on the work I have submitted. This was on the 2D animation assignment and also my website investigation. I filled out a form with my improvements and I will be responding to these after I have completed this current, website portfolio project.

This week I have completed all of the intended tasks. I have completed my proposal with the research and my sketches for the website design. Along with these tasks I have also created several mood boards which support my decisions made such as the graphics, typography, theme and colour scheme. I have continued with the wireframes in Photoshop and will complete these with annotations by the end of next week. The strengths which I believe I had this week was that I was confident completing the tasks because they are ones which I have completed in past assignments.
Overall, this week I have completed the tasks set and I believe I am managing my time well as I am using my production schedule to complete this production. I feel that the tasks this week went well and I was confident in completing them, I now have a clear vision of how I want my website to look and the content I will include within it. Next week I aim to complete my annotated wireframes and continue with the design of my graphic images.

Thursday 16 February 2012

Week 22: Pre-Production Documents Continued

Throughout this week I have been continuing with my pre-production documentation. By the end of this week I aimed to have completed the proposal and my sketches/ wireframes and sitemaps. These documents will include all of my research and planning for my website and its design. The proposal will highlight the idea for my portfolio website and the sketches and wireframes represent the graphics and layout of my website design.
By carrying out this task this week I am confident with the knowledge gained within my focused research (analysis of 3 websites) I have been able to create the proposal. This proposal included the research I have carried out such as legal and ethical considerations, budget and colour palette and font. I carried out the additional research in order for to write a proposal based upon the production of a website. I felt confident when carrying out this research as I understood the research required and how I will apply this to the production of designing my own website portfolio. In terms of the wireframes, sitemaps and sketches for my website, I have used guidance documents to help me complete these. I have been able to use a document showing me how to create sitemaps and wireframes. These are essential planning documents for website design. They show all of the layout and content included within each webpage on the website. The sitemap also shows how the pages are linked together, helping me create the website when I link the pages within Dreamweaver. I have also created a research dossier showing the my understanding of the research which I have gained throughout the researching elements for my proposal. This clearly shows how I have used the research and knowledge gained for my website design.
On reflection, this week I have completed the aims set. I have completed my proposal and the sketches, sitemaps and wireframes for my portfolio website. I feel confident that the work I have completed reflects my idea for the website and includes all the required elements for the client to understand my idea for my portfolio website. The skills learnt this week are also skills which I can use within future productions. I will be required to create proposals and sketches etc for future projects. Therefore I will be able to use the research, writing and sketching skills from this project within my future projects.

Thursday 9 February 2012

Week 21: Analysing Three Existing Design Websites

The aim for this week was to continue with my production schedule and my first task was to complete my focused research. This relates to the analysis of three existing design and creative led websites. These will allow me to understand what elements are included within these websites which could influence features within my own website.

Carrying out this task this week included taking notes about various factors within the website. These included: navigation, content, graphics, dynamics & interaction, typography and appropriateness for the audience. I analysed websites which could influence my own website design. I analysed Level 2 Design, Vivid Brighton and Mr Brainwash websites. All of these included different contents in relation to the factors I am analysing. By carrying out this task I felt confident about the elements I am analysing and how I could use these within my own website. Within my report I have written about the different factors for these websites
and the different techniques which I would include within my website.

This week I have completed the analyses, researching and writing the report for my focused research. I now have an understanding of the different elements which are included within these graphic design websites and how I can incorporate these into my own website. I did initially aim to finish this analysis by the beginning of the week, although I underestimated the time in which it would take me to take notes from these websites. Therefore I have now finished this analysis and I am able to start my ideas for my website in terms of the layout such as sitemaps, wireframes and sketches.

Sunday 5 February 2012

Week 20: Website Design Pre-Production Started

This week I have started the pre-production documents for my website production. I have now completed the workshop stage of this production and am now starting to plan my own website production. Throughout this weeks lesson I aimed to create my production schedule, understand the brief in full and begin analysing existing graphic websites.
Throughout the lesson I was introduced to the brief and the grading criteria for this website production assignment. My lecturer read the brief and I took notes on the important elements such as the deadlines. Once I understood the brief and what is required of me for this assignment, I was able to plan out my production schedule. I wrote this using the documents that are to be submitted by the end of this project. Some of the documents included, research, analysing websites, proposal and evaluation. My production schedule is a similar layout to the previous production schedules I have created. I am confident that I have created a schedule which I can work with and I have set myself realistic time frames. Within this session I also started the first task on my production schedule. This was to analyse existing graphic design websites. Through this analysis I am highlighting different design elements within the website. These include: navigation, typography, Interactivity & Dynamics, Graphics, Content and Appropriate for Target Audience. These are all factors which are design aspects which I need to consider for my own website. I will be analysing these elements on 3 existing websites and stating how I will use elements within my website. I have started to analyse these websites within this weeks lesson.
Reflecting on this weeks session I believe I have completed the intended tasks. I am clear about the assignment brief and I understand what I need to submit by when. I am confident with the production schedule I have created and I understand the deadlines I have given myself for the final pre-production document deadline on 20th February 2012. I will continue with the task of analysing websites as my task for this week.