Thursday 23 February 2012

Week 23: Production Documents: Proposal and Website Sketches

This week I aimed to carry on with the production documents such as proposal, sketches, mood boards and wireframes.
Throughout carrying out these tasks this week I have decided on my final theme for my website. The theme I have chosen is based on fashion and art deco. The fashion element reflects part of my personality, as fashion is a strong interest of mine. In terms of the art deco element, I thought this is a creative design element which I could incorporate into my website. This theme has been represented within the mood boards I have started to create. I have also created a logo for my website, this can be seen below.
Portfolio Website Logo

When carrying out the rest of the planned tasks such as the proposal, sketches and wireframes I felt confident because I had a clear vision of how I plan to design the website. This also includes the animations planned for my website. All of these tasks were related to each other; therefore I found it easy to complete these tasks as I knew exactly what I wanted to create. The proposal was the main task to complete this week. It involved me researching into the different aspects related to website design. The main factors were: budget, legal & ethical, colour palette, typography and similar/ existing products. I felt confident when researching these elements because I have carried out proposal research in previous projects. I also continued with the sketches and wireframes for my website this week. I followed some guidance documents on Chichester Online to complete these; they show the layout of my website pages individually. This week I was also given some feedback on the work I have submitted. This was on the 2D animation assignment and also my website investigation. I filled out a form with my improvements and I will be responding to these after I have completed this current, website portfolio project.

This week I have completed all of the intended tasks. I have completed my proposal with the research and my sketches for the website design. Along with these tasks I have also created several mood boards which support my decisions made such as the graphics, typography, theme and colour scheme. I have continued with the wireframes in Photoshop and will complete these with annotations by the end of next week. The strengths which I believe I had this week was that I was confident completing the tasks because they are ones which I have completed in past assignments.
Overall, this week I have completed the tasks set and I believe I am managing my time well as I am using my production schedule to complete this production. I feel that the tasks this week went well and I was confident in completing them, I now have a clear vision of how I want my website to look and the content I will include within it. Next week I aim to complete my annotated wireframes and continue with the design of my graphic images.

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