Sunday 5 February 2012

Week 20: Website Design Pre-Production Started

This week I have started the pre-production documents for my website production. I have now completed the workshop stage of this production and am now starting to plan my own website production. Throughout this weeks lesson I aimed to create my production schedule, understand the brief in full and begin analysing existing graphic websites.
Throughout the lesson I was introduced to the brief and the grading criteria for this website production assignment. My lecturer read the brief and I took notes on the important elements such as the deadlines. Once I understood the brief and what is required of me for this assignment, I was able to plan out my production schedule. I wrote this using the documents that are to be submitted by the end of this project. Some of the documents included, research, analysing websites, proposal and evaluation. My production schedule is a similar layout to the previous production schedules I have created. I am confident that I have created a schedule which I can work with and I have set myself realistic time frames. Within this session I also started the first task on my production schedule. This was to analyse existing graphic design websites. Through this analysis I am highlighting different design elements within the website. These include: navigation, typography, Interactivity & Dynamics, Graphics, Content and Appropriate for Target Audience. These are all factors which are design aspects which I need to consider for my own website. I will be analysing these elements on 3 existing websites and stating how I will use elements within my website. I have started to analyse these websites within this weeks lesson.
Reflecting on this weeks session I believe I have completed the intended tasks. I am clear about the assignment brief and I understand what I need to submit by when. I am confident with the production schedule I have created and I understand the deadlines I have given myself for the final pre-production document deadline on 20th February 2012. I will continue with the task of analysing websites as my task for this week.

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