Thursday 26 January 2012

Week 19: Dreamweaver Workshop

Throughout this week I have been at Chichester Observer on work experience. Therefore I was not in the Dreamweaver workshop this week. I have watched some tutorials online for the different aspects which were covered in class whilst I wasn't there. Therefore the aim for me this week was to watch tutorials to update my skills audit on Rollover Buttons, Behaviours, Tables, AP Div Tags and Spry Objects.

Whilst carrying out this task this week I didn't feel as confident as I am usually am participating within the workshop as I was relying on tutorials on YouTube to gain knowledge and skills. Although, because I knew what I needed to learn this week I was able to find simple tutorials so I can learn the new skills and update my skills audit. I found tutorials on each of the different elements listed above. These tutorials for Behaviours, Tables, AP Div Tags, Spry Objects and Rollover Buttons have really helped and were easy to understand. I now know the usage and purpose of the different elements within Dreamweaver.
 By watching the tutorials I was able to take notes as the tutorial played and I was able to pause this to ensure I have understood what was being explained. I have now started to update my skills audit with the new skills and knowledge I have gained through watching these tutorials. A problem which has arisen is the fact that I am unable to gain screenshots for my skills audit as I have not carried out the task within Dreamweaver. Therefore next week I will ensure that I can gain screenshots for the tutorials I have watched this week to add to my skills audit.

On reflection, I have completed the task which I set out to achieve this week. I have also gained new knowledge and skills whilst working independently. I will complete updating my skills audit with the skills I have learnt and how I will use these within my own website.
I believe this activity went well this week and is one which I could repeat in the future, if I am unsure of any skills learnt within Dreamweaver I could watch tutorials to ensure I understand clearly.

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