Tuesday 17 January 2012

Week 18: Skills Audit Continued

Through today's lesson I aimed to continue to update my skills audit. The main skills which I will be discussing within the skills audit today was the CSS and Dreamweaver workshop from last Thursday. I have started to write the skills learnt from this workshop and by the end of the session I aimed to complete writing the various skills which I have learnt.
Through carrying out this task today I have been able to reflect on the skills I have learnt in order to write these into my skills audit. Through the process of writing this skills audit I have been reviewing the skills used, how I will use it within my production of my website and image to demonstrate visually the use of the tool. Through writing this skills audit I have been able to ensure I understand exactly the different skills learnt throughout the previous workshop. I can also ensure I am writing the skills audit in the terms that I can understand when I refer back to it when creating my own website. I kept this in mind throughout writing the audit, I have made it clear to myself and also anyone else who needs to use it for guidance. Also, by using images I can visually show screenshots of the relevant elements which helps explain the use of the tool.
By the end of this session I had completed updating my skills audit for the CSS and introduction to Dreamweaver. I was clear about what I had achieved and what I had written. I am happy that I have created a clear table with the tool used, skill learnt & how I will use this skill and an image to demonstrate what I am describing. I am happy that I have shown the new skills I have learnt by describing them within this skills audit.
A strength which I believe I had through updating my skills audit is that I have been able to show and explain the new skills I have learnt within the Dreamweaver workshop. I have learnt many new skills and by documenting it within the skills audit I can visually and simply explain the skill learnt and how I will apply this within my own website. I am confident with the skills I have learnt and I will be able to refer back to this document when creating my website.
Reflecting on today's session I believe I have completed the task set and I understand the purpose of this task. I feel this task went well and I believe I can repeat this task within the future. I will need to repeat this task as the skills audit is a continuous document throughout the production of my website. This is because I am learning new skills within different programmes such as Dreamweaver and I need to continue to document new skills. Therefore I believe I can extend on this task, by continuing and improving the skills audit as I complete it.

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