Wednesday 11 January 2012

Week 17: Skills Audit for Basic HTML Completed

This week I aimed to complete the first part of my web authoring skills audit, the basic HTML which I learnt in last weeks workshop. This skills audit will help me when I create my own webpages because it allows me to understand the process of completing different actions and creating the webpage in notepad. I aimed to complete writing this skills audit this week so I can continue with it in tomorrows session (Thursday) and add the new skills which I learnt.
I created a skills audit table, similar to the table I used for my animation project. This included columns such as Code/ Description, Usage and Appearance in web browser. I understood what is required of the skills audit and within the code/ description I will place information regarding the code which is used to change something within the webpage. In the usage column I explained what the code does and how it appears in Notepad before the page is opened within the internet browser. The last column showed the appearance of the webpage once saved and opened within Internet Explorer. This layout will help me in the future when I create my own webpages, as I understand what the code is, what is does and how it changes the webpage. I was confident when completing this document because I carried out the task (creating the HTML page) within the skills audit. Therefore by carrying out this practically I am able to explain how it works.
By the end of this week I have completed writing the first part of the skills audit. I feel that I understand what I have written within this document and why I have written this. I am confident about continuing with this document with the new skills I learn throughout the future workshops and I am able to continue to include screenshots of the programmes and the certain code I am explaining.
This is a skills which I can repeat within this project and also future projects. I will be continuing to explain the different codes used within web authoring to apply in my own work. The skills audit is a document which will help me and I could also create these for other projects to show my skills within certain software programs.
Tomorrow I will be expanding my skills by using Dreamweaver to use different codes for webpages. I will then be able to continue filling in my skills audit with the new skills I have learnt throughout the workshop.  

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