Wednesday 4 January 2012

Week 16: Web Authoring Investigation Complete

This week I aimed to complete my web authoring investigation. I aimed to complete the writing of the investigation; I was completing this document with the help of the research I gathered in the research stage of this task. This week I aimed to write the remaining four web authoring terms into my investigation showing my knowledge and understanding of these. The Deadline for this investigation is tomorrow (5th January) therefore this week I needed to complete writing up my investigation to ensure I meet the deadline.
I believe that this week I have completed this task successfully as I have completed my investigation and I have finished writing about the remaining four terms. The reason why I decided to plan which terms I would write up each week was to ensure I was writing the document to the best of my ability and understanding and gaining knowledge about the different web authoring terms. I feel as though I have gained knowledge to apply in my own work through researching and writing this investigation. I have also used resources such as books and the internet for my research, as I believe research from books is more reliable that information from websites.

Reflecting on this week and the whole investigation I believe I have learnt and gained a lot of new knowledge about web authoring and the terms involved and their purposes within web design. This will therefore help me when I come to create my own web production. I have also completed this task within the deadline time and I have researched and written the investigation to the best of my ability.
Overall, throughout completing this task I have definitely gained knowledge for the future web production and I now understand the purposes of elements and tags. I can now put this knowledge into action and use when carrying out my own web production.

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