Thursday 19 January 2012

Week 18: Dreamweaver Workshop: Image Viewers and Image Slicing

Through today's session the aim was to gain knowledge and skills within Dreamweaver and Photoshop by using Image Viewers and Slicing tools. The aim was to participate within a workshop to be shown the use of image viewers and image slicing tools. I would also learn how Photoshop and Dreamweaver work together to create the webpage with the slicing tools. This will then allow me to update my skills profile with the new skills I have learnt related to these tools and elements.
Our lecturer carried out the workshop and I was able to guided through the processes on the screen. Using the same webpage created in last weeks workshop, I re-defined the webpage to use within this weeks session. To begin with I learnt how to use the image viewer tool. This allowed me to import images in the form of a flash element, I imported images and they played as a slideshow within the browser. I could then edit the image viewer settings within the 'Flash Element' panel for the display of the webpage. In terms of image slicing, I learnt how Photoshop and Dreamweaver work together to create webpages. I created a basic webpage with buttons in Photoshop and then added grids and used the slicing tool to separate the button elements. I then learnt how to correctly 'save for web and devices' settings. This could then be added into Dreamweaver via my 'images' folder within the 'Root' folder. I felt confident whilst carrying out this workshop and I understood the news skills I was gaining.
I believe I have achieved the tasks which was set at the beginning of today's session. This was to participate in a workshop gaining more skills and knowledge within Dreamweaver. I have learnt new skills which will help me when creating my own website and I can document these skills within my skills audit.
I believe this activity went well today and I am confident with the new skills I have learnt. Being a workshop based session, I was being shown step by step the different tools and I believe I was able to keep up well with the lecturer. Therefore I was able to clearly understand what the element does and how it is used. I was also able to take screenshots of the relevant elements to include within my skills audit. I could repeat this activity again, in terms of the workshop by being shown and following the instructions on screen. This method does help me in understanding the different software programmes which will help me to create my own website. I will probably be repeating the workshop session again for different elements which are used within Dreamweaver. I could also extend on the knowledge and skills learnt today by watching online tutorials to gain advanced knowledge, for example on Image Viewers and Image Slicing.
Overall, I understand the new skills I have learnt and developed today and I will be updating my skills audit with these skills.

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