Thursday 29 December 2011

Week 15: Web Authoring Investigation Continued

This week I aimed to complete writing my investigation into web authoring. Last week I had finished the research stage and I started to write the first 3 terms within the investigation. The terms which I wrote about were HTML, XHTML and CSS. I completed writing about these terms and the aim for this week was to continue with writing the investigation by writing about the next five terms from the knowledge and research I had gained. The terms which I will write about include: Metatags, Javascript, DHTML, FTP and Framesets.

Throughout this week I believe I have been carrying out this task well. I have been focused on the five terms which I will be discussing and writing about within my investigation. Therefore by having five set terms to write about I have been focused on these and been able to write the investigation. I have used a similar technique to last week, setting myself time limits, although this is in terms of setting myself the amount of terms to write about.

From this week I wanted to complete writing up five of the web authoring terms listed above. I have completed this aim for this week and I have also gained more knowledge about web authoring. The reason for this is because by researching I have learnt about the terms but from writing my own investigation with the help of the research has increased my knowledge and understanding of the subject.

A strength which I had this week was that similar to last week I have been able to give myself time scales in order to continue to complete the aim for this week. In reflection of this week I believe I have completed the aim to the best of my ability and I will continue to complete and finish the final four web authoring terms in my investigation next week.

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