Monday 5 December 2011

Week 12: 2D Animation Assignment Complete- Evaluation & Sample Viewing

I have now completed my 2D Animation assignment. I have submitted all of my pre-production, production and post-production documents to turnitin. Over the weekend and today I completed both my Evaluation and Sample Viewing. Through my evaluation I have reflected on the entire project. I believe I have been critical within my evaluation as to how I feel the project went and how I could improve my animation. Within my evaluation I also discussed my sample viewing and feedback I gained from the target audience of 14-16 year olds. The response which I got from the sample viewing was positive. I initially handed out 10 questionnaires but I only got 9 of these back. I stated this in my evaluation and said how I would ensure this didn't happen if I repeated the project. I asked 5 14-16 year olds and this was the majority of response and feedback. I asked the participants to express their opinions on my final animation and whether they believe it will appeal to the target audience and themselves. The response was positive in relation to the layout and how the information was presented in my animation. They also gave me improvements for the animation to appeal to the audience more. The main improvement was to add colour to the animation to make it eye catching. This is an element which I would include if I could improve my animation. I have stated the feedback from the sample viewing in my evaluation. I have also stated how I would respond to this feedback if I could repeat the project.
Overall, throughout this assignment I have learnt many new skills in terms of using Adobe Flash and I have gained knowledge in terms of Animation History. I believe I have created an animation which appeals to the target audience and I have been reflective within my evaluation as to how I think I performed within the creating my 2D animation. I have also shown how I can respond to feedback on my written and practical work. In terms of responding to feedback initially in terms of pre-production work, one of my improvements was to be more reflective in my blog. I believe I have taken this improvement on board and I have been more reflective and critical. I will continue to do this on my blogs for future projects.

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