Thursday 22 December 2011

Week 14: Web Authoring Investigation Research Completed

Over the Christmas holidays I have been continuing with my investigation for web authoring. This week I have focused on completing my research into the different web authoring terms and also to start writing up my investigation.  From last week’s post I stated that I aimed to complete research into the remaining 7 terms, although I only completed 4 of these terms. Therefore this week I completed the research into these 3 remaining terms. I did not want to rush the research stage as it is important that I understand what I am researching in order to write the investigation. This week I have completed all of the research in self-study time.

I believe that I have completed this research into the web authoring terms in a sense that I understand what I have research and I am confident that I will be able to write an investigation relating to this subject. Through this week I have researched into the different terms and I have learnt a lot about web authoring which will help me within the rest of this project. I have also adapted my skills in terms of researching into a given subject. I believe that this week I have completed the task but also the process of researching into the terms has improved. I feel more confident in terms of researching a given subject easily to help with my written work. From this week I also aimed to start to write up my web authoring investigation. I aimed to write about three of the web terms using my research to help me.
Reflecting on my aims for this week, I have achieved the tasks which I set to complete. I have finished my research into the remaining web authoring terms and I have also started to write up the document. A strength which I had this week was the planning of how I would set to complete these tasks. For example, I planned the time in which I would spend on the rest of my research. By giving my self a time scale I was able to easily plan how much time I had to complete the other aim. Time planning was a strength this week as I did keep to my time deadlines in order to start writing the document.

Overall, this week I have complete my research and started to write the investigation. I believe I am still on track to meeting the deadline. I feel that I would be able to repeat the process of researching again as I have adapted an easy research method in order for me to carry out the research easily. I can now continue to complete my written investigation on web authoring.

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