Thursday 15 December 2011

Week 13: Web Authoring Investigation

I have been continuing with my web authoring investigation. I started this investigation last week and I had started my research. Through this mornings session I aimed to complete research into six out of the 13 terms which I need to include within my investigation. This will then allow me to start to write my investigation on the information I have found out from the secondary research. Whilst carrying out this research I have gained knowledge and understanding of the different terms related to web authoring. I found a good website which gave me information on the six terms I was researching into. The terms which I was focusing on within this session were:
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Metatags
  • Javascript
I have completed the research into these terms and I have started to write up my investigation with a definition, how it works and how I will use it within my own work. I started this investigation last week and I was slightly unsure about these different terms and how they are used within web authoring. Although, through researching into just 6 of the the 13 terms it has allowed me to research thoroughly and understand how they work. In the next session I can then research into the next 7 and repeat this process.
By the end of the session I have achieved what I intended at the beginning of the session. I have researched into the six intended terms and I have started to write these up into my investigation. A strength which I have from this session is the organisation of what terms I need to research into by breaking them up into two groups. I can then understand what I need to research into and this allows me to research into these thoroughly ensuring I understand their uses. This reflects the fact that I have overcome a weakness which I had last week. This was that I was unsure about the uses of the web authoring terms. I did not understand how they worked as I did not manage what terms I would research into and I was unclear about how the terms linked to each other. Therefore I now understand the terms uses as I have managed what I will be researching into. A strength which I have therefore had within this session is researching correctly and taking notes to help write up my investigation.
I did complete the activity I intended to do within this session and I believe it went well. This is because I have gained knowledge from the research I have gathered in relation to web authoring. This will therefore help me in writing the investigation as I have a clear understanding of what am writing within my investigation. The research skill which I have used within this session is a transferable skill. I will use this within other work as it is a good method of researching into a given subject/ term to help with related work.

Within the second session today I intended to complete research into the other 7 terms in relation to my web authoring investigation. Last session I completed research into 6 of the terms for me to understand what I am writing within my investigation. Throughout this session I continued with my research, again I have gained more knowledge and understanding of the different web authoring terms. I have found reliable sources for my research such as books (ebrary) and websites. The terms which I aimed to research into in this session include:
  • FTP
  • Divisional Layers
  • Framesets
  • Behaviours
  • Attributes
  • Event Handlers
  • Sub- Divisional Layers
By the end of this session I had researched into 4 out of the 7 remaining terms. I did aim to research and understand all of these 7 terms, but a reason why I may not have been able to do this was because I was writing up my investigation after researching into two of the terms. I would have liked to have completed all of my research for the above terms today. Although I believe I will be able to complete this in self study time. I have a clear understanding of the research I have undertaken today and this has helped me in understanding web authoring in general.
A strength which I believe I have had throughout this session is that I was focuses on researching into the given terms. I have taken notes about for my research as this allows me to understand the information clearer. A weakness which I have had is that in researching some of the terms I did not understand the Attributes very well. Therefore I will research this in more depth so I have a clearer understanding of what the attributes are.
Overall, today I have gained knowledge for my investigation. Although, I did not complete the task in full as I aimed to complete my research and notes into all of the 13 web authoring terms. I believe that I will be able to complete this research in my own time and start to write up my investigation from my research. I feel that I this activity went well today as I researched into 10 of the 13 terms and I most importantly I have a clear understanding and knowledge of these terms.

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