Thursday 1 March 2012

Week 24: Production Documents: Annotated Wireframes & Graphics

This week I aimed to complete my wireframes with annotations, sitemaps and graphic images to be included within my website. This would be the final production documentation for my website. It would clearly show the layout and contents within the different website pages. This will help me when I come to creating the website within Dreamweaver.

Last week I started creating the sketches and wireframes within Photoshop and this week I aimed to complete these. By creating these sketches I have a clear idea of how my webpages will appear. I have also included annotation to inform the client of the important elements within the different webpages. This also helps me when I start to create my website in Dreamweaver as I can use the wireframes as a guidance to ensure I am including all of the contents within the design of the website. I have created these wireframes from sketches and then created them within Photoshop with the annotations. I can then use these wireframes to create my mock up PSD’s of the website pages. This is a task I have set myself for next week. This week I also aimed to create the main graphics within my website. This is the face profile which will appear continuously on the webpages. I needed to create all of my own graphics within my website; therefore I used Illustrator and Photoshop to create these graphics. I created two different patterned face profiles for use, one containing a chequered pattern and the other a striped pattern.

This week I have completed all of the intended tasks which were annotated wireframes and started to create my original graphics. I felt confident while completing these different tasks and I now believe I will be able to build my website from the wireframes which I have completed as they are a strong guidance for my production. I am also happy with the graphics I have created and believe they show skills within different software programs. A strength which I believe I have had this week is creating the wireframes for my different webpages. I felt confident with the design and enjoyed creating and annotating these wireframes because of the guidance it will give me.

Next week I aim to complete all of my graphics, mock up PSD’s of the various web pages. I also aim to organise the different elements which are required for each individual page into folders. This includes elements such as page contents, logos, text and images. Overall, I am happy with the progress I have made within this production and believe I am managing my time well.

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