Thursday 8 March 2012

Week 25: Production Documents- Mock-Ups & Organising Folders

This week I aimed to complete the original graphics and mock ups of my webpages for my portfolio website. The mock ups are the PSD layouts of my final webpages. This will allow me to design the main elements such as the menu panel and the logo/ graphics. I also aim to organise the Root folders for the various webpages to make it easy when I create my website in Dreamweaver.

Whilst carrying out these tasks this week I was able to use the skills learnt within Photoshop to create the different webpage layouts. I created the layout and design from the sketches and wireframes created last week. I had a clear vision of the design of the website and I was able to create this within Photoshop. I used the guidelines tool to section off all of the different elements within the various webpages. I used this process for all of the seven pages on my website. I then saved these using the web and devices setting. The PSD's will then save as a .hmtl document to open within Dreamweaver. Once imported to Dreamweaver I will be able to add content and links to this template. I have also organised the files required for the individual pages on the website. This is important for defining the website and editing the website. This allows me to easily access the images, text or videos required for the different pages. These are all seen within the 'Root' folder.

This week I completed all of the intended tasks. I managed to complete the mock ups and the final design of my website pages. I also tested these within Dreamwever, to ensure all settings were correct and I was able to edit the template. I felt confident when completing these tasks and feel as though I can now move forward and start to create my website within Dreamweaver. I also feel confident because I have organised all of the files needed for the website, so I can easily import them in Dreamweaver to the webpages. A strength which I believe I have had this week is in the form of organisation skills. This is vital for the building process of the website. I now feel confident when I start building the website that I have all the files required.

Next week I aim to complete the required animations for my website and also start to build my website within Dreamweaver. I will also be submitting my pre-production and production documents next week (12th March) which I have completed. Overall, this week I am happy with the progress I have made for this assignment.

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