Thursday 22 March 2012

Week 26 & Week 27: Creating Website & Uploading

This week and last week I aimed to continue creating my website within Dreamweaver and upload it to my webspace. Throughout this week I also aimed to complete my evaluation and sample viewing for my website.
Whilst carrying out these tasks this week I felt confident that I would meet the deadline (19th March). Over the past two weeks I have been creating the webpages for my website within Dreamweaver. I have been using all the skills learnt and documented in my skills audit to create my website. I felt confident whilst creating the different pages and I used both my skills audit and tutorials from YouTube to create the different elements for the website. The various elements included are is 3 animations, graphics, rollover effects and links. These are all original materials which I have created and are required for my website.
Some problems which I have come across in the last two weeks includes the issue of uploading process. The webspace which I originally signed up for on did not allow me to upload using FTP. Therefore I signed up for new webspace and my new website URL is I then used Cute FTP program to upload my files to this URL.
I also completed my evaluation and sample viewing within this week. I asked 5 people to complete a questionnaire for feedback on my website. I would have liked to of held a bigger sample viewing, but I was unable to because of time frames.
By Monday 19th March I should have uploaded my website and submitted the work. Although because of the issues I had with the uploading process I was unable to meet this deadline. This is a point I will remember for the future and I will ensure I manage my time well and set aside a day before the deadline to test and upload the website.
Overall, I am happy with my final website and I believe I will be able to add to this website with the work which I create in the future.

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