Friday 16 September 2011

Week 1: 2D Animation Worksheet

I started the 2D Animation Investigation worksheet yesterday. I have been continuing with this today and I have completed the research stage of taking notes and finding secondary research about the history of Animation for task 1. I have used different resources such as the Internet, books from the library and online books to take notes from. As I was unable to take books out of the library, I found an online version of Encyclopaedia Britannica via a link from Chichester Library website. This helped me a lot, as I was able to type in ‘Animation History’ and the chapter from the book itself was found easily. This helped me in understanding the earlier history of animation. The type of facts that I found about animation include:
·         Original and Developed Devices, such as: Edison's Kinetoscope: This was a wooden booth with a key hole, which was looked through to see light reflecting images onto a screen rotated by a motor inside. I have found dates, the inventor and purpose of these devices in relation to the creation of 2D Animation.
Edison's Kinetoscope

·         Techniques Used: Traditional Animation: Flick Book and Rotoscoping.  Which were original techniques used at the start of creation of animation.

           Original Drawings for a Flick Book

·         Inventors: History about the inventors of these devices which helped with the creation of animation. These include, Walt Disney and Lumiere Brothers. 
I gained a lot of knowledge from researching into the history of animation. I have learnt about the original devices, who invented them and how these developed over time.
I have completed the notes and research for these points, although I would like to gain more information from resources such as more books. This is because I believe the secondary information in books is more reliable than information from the Internet.

Therefore I will start to write up my Investigative Report on the history of animation with the information I have gathered so far. Although, I have also written the names of useful books from the library and I can take more notes from these books and more importantly check that the information found from the Internet is correct and relevant. When I have completed the investigative report I can then start to create my visual timeline of the history of 2D Animation.

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