Thursday 22 September 2011

Week 2: 2D Animation Investigation and Flash Skills Audit Introduction

I have now completed all of my research into the history of animation. Including the key developments and inventors within animation.  From researching I have used different resources such as the Internet and books. I find that the research gained from the film and animation books is more reliable than the information from the Internet. Therefore this is the most reliable resource which I could use for my future work. The reason why I found books a more reliable resource is because the books and internet presented different information. This was in the form of dates in relation to devices in animation history. The internet stated one date and the book stated a different date. Therefore I decided to use the date and information from the book. I will reference correctly the resources I have used within this investigation exercise.
From this research I have written up my investigation report documenting the history of animation. This documents the main developments within the history of animation from the beginning. I have highlighted the main devices used within the history, the inventors, developers and techniques used. From researching into the animation history I have learnt a lot about how animation begun and the theory behind 'The Persistence of Vision', which started the creation and development of Animation.
I have nearly completed the written investigation showing the history of animation. I need to research into two more techniques used which include: Rotoscoping and Games animation. Once I have completed this document I can start my visual timeline which I have decided to create in PowerPoint. I will create a PowerPoint document showing my information on the History of Animation as a timeline.
I have also started to think about my initial ideas for my own 60 second animation created in Flash. This needs to show the history of animation and appeal to the target audience of 14-16 year olds. I will start mind mapping initial ideas for this and create 3 initial ideas for this animation.
Introduction to Flash and Skills Audit
I was also introduced to Adobe Flash Professional. This was introduction for me to see where tools and panels are located within Flash. This has helped me as I am now aware of the different tools which I will be using to create my 2D Animation. I was also shown how to create a basic animation, this allowed me to see how the frames work with the timeline. In order for me to document my knowledge and skills I have learnt I have been asked to create a Skills Audit. This is a table which shows the knowledge/skills gained, the date and how this will help me within future Flash work. I have started to create this skills audit with the skills learnt from the initial introduction to Adobe Flash.

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