Wednesday 28 September 2011

Week 3: Initial Ideas for Animation & Animation Worksheet Completed

I have completed the 2D Animation worksheet. I have a written report into the history of animation, a PowerPoint presentation presenting a creative timeline and I have also planned my initial and final idea for my own 2D Animation. I had 3 initial ideas for my animation and I have created 3 mind maps representing these ideas.
Initial Idea 1: The idea for this animation is developing my PowerPoint timeline presentation. I would develop this by animating the different aspects within the slides. The way in which this would appeal to the target audience of 14-16 year olds is by the bold and bright colours used. This will therefore be eye catching to view. Shown below is my intial idea 1 mind map.

Initial Idea 2- Final Idea: The theme within this idea is a old fashioned 'music chart inspired countdown', using this format to present the history of animation. The reason why this will appeal to the target audience is because of theme used, as music is a main interest for the audience. Therefore by incorporating the time period of the animation history as an effect with the music theme will show the history in an interesting way. The voice over used will use a similar script to those used on radio and TV chart shows. This will be a familiar concept to the audience and will interest them. Shown below is my initial idea 2 mind map.

Initial Idea 3: My last initial idea consists of a flip book inspired timeline. The content will be shown within a flip book template and the pages will be seen turning alternately. The colours within this idea are similar to those in my 1st idea, with bright bold colours which appeal to the audience. The reason why this concept will appeal to the target audience is because it is a fun and creative way of presenting and reading information. The image below shows my mind map for this idea.
I have also created 3 storyboards, one for each idea. Within these I have included the layout of the animation (slide by slide), along with an explanation of the movement and sound used. Through creating these storyboards I have visually presented my ideas and how I would layout the history of animation. I have also written a justification of my final idea for my 60 second animation. I have justified the different aspects of why my final idea (initial idea 2), will appeal to the target audience with the different aspects included.
Overall, through completing this worksheet I have gained knowledge in the area of animation history. Through using different resources such as books and the Internet to help me write a report on the history. I have learnt a lot about the devices and development in terms of animation through completing this worksheet.

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